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Dwarvish Annalist


Dwarvish Annalists are the historians of this ancient and proud race. They are few in number, and their very existence is not generally known to the other peoples of the Great Continent. To the abilities of the Witness they add, through the study of herb and mineral lore, the ability to cure poison.

Aire sònraichte: Tha an t-aonad seo comasach air maille a thoirt air a nàimhdean gus nach bhith ach leth-phàirt den astar is dochann ionnsaighe aca gu deireadh na cuairte. Tha an t-aonad seo comasach air na buaidhean aig puinsean a thoirt air falbh bho aonadan mu chuairt. The presence of this unit inspires own units next to it to deal more damage in combat, though this only applies to units of lower or equal level. Tha ionnsaighean draoidheach aig an aonad seo aig a bheil an-còmhnaidh deagh sheans bualaidh air an nàmhaid.


Àrdaichidh e bho: Dwarvish Witness
Àrdaichidh e gu: Dwarvish Loremaster
Cosgais: 40
PB: 40
Gluasad: 5
PE: 80
Level: 2
Co-thaobhadh: neodrach
IDDwarvish Annalist
Comasan: inspire, inspire_1, inspire_2, leigheas

Ionnsaighean (damage - count)

7 - 2
6 - 2


(icon) lann50% (icon) bioradh40%
(icon) bualadh40% (icon) teine10%
(icon) fuachd10% (icon) dìomhair10%


Cosgais ghluasaid
(icon) Badan balgain-bhuachair140%
(icon) Baile150%
(icon) Beanntan170%
(icon) Boglach320%
(icon) Caisteal160%
(icon) Cnuic160%
(icon) Coille130%
(icon) Do-choiseach-0%
(icon) Gaineamh130%
(icon) Reòite230%
(icon) Riof cladaich230%
(icon) Rèidh130%
(icon) Tanalach320%
(icon) Uamh150%
(icon) Uisge domhain-0%